Shijiazhuang Everlight Trade Co.,Ltd.

How to Choose the Right Tungsten Electrode?

Thorium tungsten electrodes, which contain thorium oxide (Th02 or thorium oxide), are the most commonly used tungsten electrodes and have become a standard for judging the goodness of other tungsten electrodes. However, because of the low level of radioactive hazard associated with this tungsten electrode, many users have switched to other options.

Overall, the 2% thoriated tungsten electrode is a relatively good tungsten electrode with the lowest fugitive work and performs well even at overload voltages. The performance of thoriated tungsten electrodes is superior to pure tungsten electrodes in many ways. Thorium oxide provides about twenty percent higher current carrying capacity than pure tungsten, generally lasts longer, and helps stop contamination during welding more.

With thoriated tungsten electrodes, arc initiation is easier and the arc is more stable than with pure tungsten or zirconium tungsten electrodes. Both thoriated tungsten electrodes 1% (EWTh - 1) and thoriated tungsten electrodes 2% (EWTh - 2) can be used for DCEN.

Thorium tungsten electrodes are usually used for DC negative or positive applications such as carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel alloy, titanium alloy, etc. They are good for use and can weld well even under overload current.

Lanthanum Tungsten Electrode

Radiation acts on the human body in two forms:

One is external exposure

But there is one thing, it is not as resistant to burning as thoriated tungsten, the wear and tear is faster, the wear and tear is faster and the input is bigger, the input is bigger and the cost is higher, this is what many manufacturers who use tungsten tig welding do not want to see.

Therefore, it can be seen that the most suitable replacement for thoriated tungsten electrode is lanthanum tungsten electrode at present. It is the most suitable, at least under the current technical conditions. It has the most similar properties to the thoriated tungsten electrode. Even the arc performance and burn-in resistance are improved than thoriated tungsten electrode when used in small and medium currents. Moreover, the lanthanum tungsten electrode is not radioactive and has high durability current with minimal burnout.
Thorium tungsten electrode contains 1-1.2% thorium oxide, which is a radioactive substance and is affected by radiation during the welding process and contact with the thorium tungsten rod.

The second is the internal exposure occurs

Through the respiratory and digestive system into the body. From the mask argon arc welding and plasma arc welding of a large number of investigations and measurements to prove that their radioactive hazards are relatively small, because the daily consumption of thorium tungsten rod only 100-200 mg, the radiation dose is very small, the human body is not affected.

However, there are two situations that must be noted:
First, when welding in the container, the ventilation is not good, the radioactive particles in the fume and dust may exceed the health standards;
Secondly, when grinding thorium tungsten rods and the presence of thorium tungsten rods, the concentration of radioactive aerosols and radioactive dust, can reach or even exceed the health standards. The invasion of radioactive substances into the body can cause chronic radiation sickness, mainly manifested in the general weakened functional state, which can be seen in obvious weakness, significantly reduced resistance to infectious diseases, weight loss and other symptoms.